domingo, noviembre 12, 2006



Si usted, lector, desea leer A Scanner Darkly de Philip K. Dick puede bajarlo dando click aquí (sólo inglés, sorry). Chéquese esta parte, una de las mejores:

"You're going to read me my sins," Charles Freck said.
The creature nodded and unsealed the scroll.
Freck said, lying helpless on his bed, "and it's going to take a hundred thousand hours."

Fixing its many compound eyes on him, the creature from between dimensions said, "We are no longer in the mundane universe. Lower-plane categories of material existence such as 'space' and 'time' no longer apply to you. You have been elevated to the transcendent realm. Your sins will be read to you ceaselessly, in shifts, throughout eternity. The list will never end."

Know your dealer, Charles Freck thought, and wished he could take back the last half-hour of his life.
A thousand years later he was still lying there on his bed with the Ayn Rand book and the letter to Exxon on his chest, listening to them read his sins to him. They had gotten up to the first grade, when he was six years old.

Ten thousand years later they had reached the sixth grade.
The year he had discovered masturbation.

He shut his eyes, but he could still see the multi-eyed, eight-foot-high being with its endless scroll reading on and on.
"And next--" it was saying.

Charles Freck thought, At least I got a good wine.

Golden Arm Trio - Pose As A Nark

3 comentarios:

sirako dijo...

wo, ese plus fue plus ultra. lo voy a bajar, debo aventurarme a leer en inglés. pero debo aceptar que me da miedo, pierdo más rápido la concentración...

sirako dijo...

por cierto una vez tuve áfidos, mi doctor pensaba que eran garrapatas y los áfidos creyeron que yo era un sauce llorón.

Octopus Queque dijo...

-Sirako: Espero te guste el libro tanto como a mi :D también te recomiendo comprarlo, Editorial Minotauro tiene la fama de bonitos libros, pero creo que les falta una pulida en cuanto a editores, muchos errores de dedo. ¿Tuviste áfidos? ¿o consumes muerte lenta? Sauce llorón jaja qué imagen!